Conferencias Académicas
- "Between managerialism and collegiality: The transformation of the academic profession in Ibero-America” (Alarcón, M., Brunner, J.J. & Labraña, J.). Speaker at the 36th Annual CHER (Consortium Higher Education Researchers), Luxembourg, September 4 - 6, 2024. (
- "The Third Mission in Chilean Universities: An analysis from the perspective of its academics" (Alarcón, M & Brunner, J.J.). Presenter at the 10th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’24), June 18 – 24, 2024, Valencia, Spain (
- "Loss of academic autonomy? Shifts in power relations between the professional technostructure and academics in a Chilean university” (Alarcón, M; Brunner, J.J. & Hormazábal, P.). Presenter at the 45th Annual EAIR Forum "Shaping the World of Change – Higher Education as a Key Enabler", University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Linz, 3 - 6 September, 2023. (
- “Evolution of Higher Education Governance in Latin America: A comparative analysis of Chile and Ecuador” (Alarcón, M. & Brunner, J.J.). Speaker at the 35nd Annual CHER (Consortium Higher Education Researchers), WU Vienna, Austria, August 30 - September 1, 2023. (
- “Changing Higher Education Governance in Latin America: The Cases of Chile and Ecuador” (Alarcón, M. & Brunner, J.J.). Presenter at the 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’23), June 19 – 22, 2023, Valencia, Spain (
- “Managerial Arrangements to Strengthen Strategic Alignment. The Case of a Chilean University”. Presenter at the European Higher Education Society EAIR 44th Annual Forum “Accelerating the Future of Higher Education”. MCAST, Malta, September 4-7th 2022.
- “Cohesion and Academic Collaboration in the Era of Academic Capitalism”. Speaker at the Newer & Early Career Researchers Conference. Society for Research into Higher Education, SRHE, United Kingdom. Newport South Wales, December 10th 2019 (
- “Governance Relationships at the University Level. An Analysis from the Agency Theory Perspective”. Speaker at the 32nd Annual CHER (Consortium Higher Education Researchers) Conference Kassel Germany, August 28-30th 2019.
- “Relaciones de Gobierno en la Universidad. Un Análisis desde la Perspectiva de la Teoría de Agencia”. Ponencia en el V Congreso Interdisciplinario de Investigación en Educación realizado en Santiago de Chile entre el 20 y 22 de agosto de 2019.
Seminarios, Talleres y Charlas
- "Análisis del Capitalismo Académico en América Latina". Seminario del Programa Universitario de Estudios sobre la Educación Superior. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Febrero, 2024.
- Charla magistral “De crisis a oportunidades. El tránsito de lo presencial a lo online". Inauguración del año académico, CFT San Agustín de Talca. Abril, 2022.
- Participación en Panel: Tendencias desde la perspectiva de la innovación y la academia. En el Seminario: Tendencias de la educación superior en un año de incertidumbre. Organizado por Edutic. Marzo, 2022.
Presentaciones de libros y estudios
- Presentación del libro "El Gobierno de la Universidad desde la Perspectiva de la Teoría de Agencia" en la 44 Feria Internacional del Libro de la Universidad Autónoma de México. El autor: Mario Alarcón. Publicado por la Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior de México (ANUIES).